Saturday, July 3, 2010

Goodbye, Dear Friend

Good dog

Dear sweet wonderful Abbey
October 2000 - July 2010

Abbey on the rug

Her name was our first baby's first word and we are so, so sad at having to let her go. Goodbye, you wonderful good dog.

Abbey sniffs a little pink hand

Family vacation

Curled up by the radiator


Visions of kibble dance in her head


ashley said...

I'm so sorry about Abbey. Like ya'll, our dog (Hunnie) is a part of the family and we don't even want to think about losing her. I know that things are already probably crazy for you guys right now and now losing Abbey on top of everything else... Praying for God's blessings over your family in Salt Lake City.

Eva said...

Oh Julia, I am so sorry about you having to let Abbey go. I'm sure she is at a better place now. The pets we lose will always be part of the family.

amydove said...

I am so sorry to hear the bad news. What a hard thing to go through, especially with everything else that you have going on right now. She was such a cutie.

Fretman said...

I will always remember her as the dog who greeted me in her specal way and the one who enjoyed her light shows with such intensity. I'll miss her. She was such a sweet dog.

Sharon said...

Oh Julia -I just read this and I'm so very sorry. It must have been such a difficult decision.