Friday, October 3, 2008

Wretched Retch-ed

What a couple of days it has been...  There has been a stomach bug going around here and I unluckily caught it.  It has been an unpleasant time here at our household, but today I feel nearly human, just droopy and weak.  I took my whole shower this morning without crumpling to the floor of the shower to "rest" a few times, a definite improvement over yesterday.  I am eating toast and Jello without incident, and I feel like I might be able to keep Grace's TV time under the recommended 2 hours today.  (Seriously, she has been watching an unholy amount of Backyardigans and Blue's Clues as I lie doleful and insensate beside her.)  And all the burst capillaries in my face are starting to heal up-- does that happen to anybody else?  Almost every time I get sick like this, I get all these red spots from blown-out capillaries, especially around my eyes, nose, and temples.  Rob seems to think it is unusual.  Speaking of the other members of my family, they seem to be unaffected so far and I am PRAYING that the situation remains so.  Being sick is bad, but coping with a sick toddler is infinitely worse.

I feel really behind on all the normal household running stuff now.  It's amazing how things pile up when I literally do nothing useful for a while, from laundry to the mail and bills to grocery shopping to the state of my toenail polish.  Rob did a wonderful job keeping the truly necessary things done, like feeding the dog and child, and that's what's really important, right?  He's on call these days, however, so doesn't have much flexibility about the actual working full time thing.  My dad came over the first day to play with Grace for me and took her to a Chinese restaurant for lunch and three parks (yes, three! in a row!) so I didn't have to prepare food for anyone at all when I was actively being sick.  Times like this make me really glad to be close to family.

Wee unborn Violet reacted quite strongly to me being sick, which weirded me out somewhat.  She was unusually active with lots of kicks and flips and movement; normally I notice her moving several times a day but this was nearly without interruption for hours at a time.  Rob's guess is that all the stress hormones and abdominal cramping is to blame, which makes sense, I suppose.  And it's not like I was more sick than those unfortunate women who get morning sickness so badly they have to take medicine for it, so hopefully all is fine.

I watched most of the VP debate last night, curled up woozily on the couch, and I must admit that it was not the glorious train wreck of stupidity and crazy talk I was sort of hoping for.  I'm afraid that nothing in my lifetime will ever compete with the year that Ross Perot ran and Admiral Stockdale came across as impossibly confused and doddering in his debate.  Perhaps I should feel guilty about looking for delicious comedic gold in these things since these people are going to be, you know, WORLD LEADERS.  Sheesh...


Unknown said...

Ping Pong Match!

Julia said...


amydove said...

My ex from college would break capillaries in his face every time he got sick. Of course his was usually alcohol induced, so it was a particularly embarrassing way to wake up the next morning and remember what happened the night before.

angie.a said...

Oh no! I hope you're feeling better! We had it here too...