Monday, October 20, 2008

My Three Favorite Hymns, in Descending Order of Favoriteness

With apologies to any of the now-bored skeptics/agnostics/atheists who make up half of my 15 daily visitors...

From the defunct indie band Pedro the Lion's EP, The Only Reason I Feel Secure.  (Well, this video is actually just David Bazan, who is still out there recording under his own name.)

From one of my very favorites, the ever-creative Sufjan Stevens.  I love me some subversive use of the banjo.

I couldn't find very many video options for this one on the web that were not vomit-inducing cheesy, but it's hard to go wrong with Mahalia Jackson, right?  The lyrics for the wonderful 3rd stanza are based on the Jewish poem Haddamut, written in Aramaic in 1050 by Meir Ben Isaac Nehorai, a cantor in Worms, Germany.

There you have it, some Monday morning hymns!

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