Probably nobody but my dad recognizes that song, but I know we all can agree that temperatures above 100 degrees make for steamy hot days. It has been a pleasant surprise to realize that it is already the end of July, however, and that the hot weather doesn’t stretch out too interminably before us. There’s August, then September, and then in October it will start to be pleasant again. Moving and unpacking and being pregnant have made this summer just fly by so far, and I don’t imagine my perception of time is going to really slow down anytime in the near future. Probably not until I hit about the 34-week mark of pregnancy and start to moan about how I have been pregnant FOREVER and how I cannot be convinced that I will not continue to be pregnant FOREVER into the future. By that time it will be November and the weather here will be downright brisk and lovely; I will be able to enjoy it thoroughly as time creeps tediously by and I convey the enormity of my belly around.
Speaking of pregnancy, I am 18 weeks pregnant now and although I hesitate to mention it out of fear of angering whatever minor Greek deity might handle us pregnant types, I think I may have finally turned the corner and started to feel better. The past 4 days or so have found me with much more normal levels for a human of energy, good cheer, and stamina. Grace woke up on the early side this morning so I feel like I could benefit from a nap this afternoon, but in general I am feeling so much better. And in just 3 weeks or so we reach the exciting milestone of finding out the baby’s sex! Even more importantly, we’ll get a really good look at the new baby and get to check out how he or she is developing.
I am a little surprised that I have started feeling better, although that sounds weird. For a while there, I just thought this was going to be how this pregnancy felt for me-- no typical 2nd trimester buoyancy and renewed vigor and joyous appetite and all that. I am quite happy to be wrong. I get the impression that these last 4 months have made Rob averse to the idea of a 3rd pregnancy for us; it has been pretty miserable at times and Rob has had to pick up a lot of slack. Stopping at two biological children isn’t an idea that’s a huge surprise or disappointment or anything for me. Although we’re not ready to make any definite decisions, we’ve often talked about pursuing adoption as a way to grow our family. On the other hand, the adoption process might not leave me in any better emotional or physical state than a pregnancy, from what I understand. We’ll see...
As the temperatures outside rise each day, we’ve taken to playing in the water. It’s amazing! Water cools you down! We can all thank that high specific heat capacity and high latent heat of vaporization. There is a fun sprayground in our neighborhood (must upload some of my own pictures...), and then of course the low-fi option of the sprinkler in our own backyard. I really should get a little pool for back there as well. And what I REALLY want to do is go swimming in an actual pool, but my plans for this are hampered by my lack of a maternity swimsuit. My search is hindered by my concurrent desires to not spend more than about $40 (swimming season is only about another 8 weeks, may not be pregnant again, etc) but at the same time not wear something that makes me want to weep. I am actually working on sewing one right now. This may sound like crazy talk, but I am a pretty prolific and serious sewist so maybe it will work out. If so, we are hopping in the car and heading to a delightful afternoon of splashing in the cool turquoise haven of our neighborhood pool.